Dear Mdickie
All your game are amazing , specialy your wrestling one since i am a big wrestling fans and play all your game for few years now. I played Booking Revolution a lot and wanted to thank you for the amazing work and update you put on the game. I have only one request. Sometime in the game, the owner of the company you are working for want you to hired a wrestler from an other company but something that wrestler is the owner of the company so you cannot hired him. You must start the game all over. its the 2nd time it happen to me and i hate so much to start from the begining after all the work i put on my roster/wrestler/booker. If you could patch that little "bug" and continue to work on this game, it would be the most amazing thing you could do for me. Thanks alot
Mdickie #1 Fan about Booking Revolution, v1.80